Over the rainbow, where my blood die
I’ll love you until the ocean come to dry
So many times I tried to hide my heart
But I am no liar, cause I failed in this art
I´ve traveled the underworld to fulfill me
Listening others love songs in vain
I never forget your eyes killing me
Increasing your gift to me, my pain
The eternity isn´t enough to forget
The universe isn´t enough to keep it
The hours go slowly as my heart ache
The winter couldn´t freeze my felling
I´ve traveled the underworld to fulfill me
Listening others love songs in vain
I never forget your eyes killing me
Increasing your gift to me, my pain
Over the rainbow, where my blood die
I’ll love you until the ocean come to dry
Over me, you came and pass me by
Killing the love that once you I had
I’ll love you until the ocean come to dry
So many times I tried to hide my heart
But I am no liar, cause I failed in this art
I´ve traveled the underworld to fulfill me

Listening others love songs in vain
I never forget your eyes killing me
Increasing your gift to me, my pain
The eternity isn´t enough to forget
The universe isn´t enough to keep it
The hours go slowly as my heart ache
The winter couldn´t freeze my felling
I´ve traveled the underworld to fulfill me
Listening others love songs in vain
I never forget your eyes killing me
Increasing your gift to me, my pain
Over the rainbow, where my blood die
I’ll love you until the ocean come to dry
Over me, you came and pass me by
Killing the love that once you I had
Quero fechar meus olhos e sentir
o seu afago
No cheiro da noite
o seu perfume
No paladar
O gosto de sua pele
E no brilho das estrelas
o seus olhos
A me vigiar
Espreitando-me a cada passo
Não tenho medo
O que tenho é sede
Te quero!
Oi querido... td bem?! 1ª vez que estou visitando o seu superblog mas com certeza a 1ª de muuuitas pq eu AMEEEIII.... gostei de ver vc arrepiando no inglês... soltando a criatividade e o seu lado DARK de ser.... rsrs... PARABÉNS.... Bjoss e uma ótima semana pra vc.
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