Friday, December 31, 2004

Why don’t kiss and love me?

New beginning after all
To some is quite night
To others it is just dawn
Where will you go after all?

Doesn’t matter to anyone
Survival you have to be
To find a love from someone
And not to end like me

Loneliness, anguish and caress
You don’t care of my feelings?
Hate, fear and depress
For you will going to be

The night is so quite
I can see the fireworks
Lighting the black sky
My heart is full of odds

I have a question for you
You don’t have to answer
But maybe it change you

Monday, December 27, 2004

Feeling your wings learning to fly

Watching the road pass me by
Thinking of you, why not try?
Looking around, waiting the sky
Feeling my wings and learn to fly

The lighter is on fire and I am desperate
The smoke rises as my soul gets down
Higher I reach more I become a clown
Lower, blood from tear I can't separate

The road is as dark as The Sun of mine
Love is so thick; I could not feel
Dark Cloud is the reason for life to shine
And you the motivation to cry

Watching the life pass me by
Sinking with you, why not fly?
Seeking around, wondering the sky
Feeling your wings learning to fly

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

In the Shadow We Rule Our Empire

On the horizon I see blood tears
Coming from the dark sad eyes
I ask myself why those fears?
The answer's not here cause it flies.

Dark is the hour you came to my life
Weak I was cause I couldn't fight
Pull all my blood you pale my face
In no time I was the creature of the night

Since I've loved you my vampire
My strength comes from the dark power
Eagerly I wish to rule our empire
Living in the shadows among the others

Dark was the hour you took my life
Stronger I became so I could fight
Without my blood I fear no death
As the creature I hunt in the night


Sunday, December 19, 2004

Dark angels or Archangels

I am surrounding by lots of happy faces
They are joking about my condition
Waiting for my fall in my emotion
I can see their wings and the death necklace

Dark angels learning to fly
Eager to reach the lost souls
So they seek after the fools
Crossing the Red Blood Sky

Don’t be so desperate because we have
In our side all the mighty Archangels
They have the power to strike the devils

We are just puppets on their hands
At the end our soul is taken away
Either way flying thru the sky

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Doce eterno veneno

Um novo amanhecer, acordo às 23 horas
Onde estão todos ouço o mundo pulsar
Na varanda da minha vida eu a divagar
Sobre todas essa vidas soltas e sonoras

Lua negra nela; procuro a cor da sua dor
Pretos como meu coração gelado e ferido
Negro como o universo de amor sofrido
Vejo as chamas mas sem sentir o ardor

Abro minhas asas e voando pelo mundo
Encontro com outros iguais na solidão
Sem rumo , famintos e sofrendo em vão
Saciam a vida em masoquismo profundo

Nesta noite eterna meu doce veneno
A morte companheira da desilusão
Componho uma poesia na alusão
De encontrar o descanso eterno

Friday, December 17, 2004

...we live!

Sometimes we may feel insecure
Naturally depressed by such insanity
Remember that we are part of the infinity
So, our power and feeling came from this source

We aren’t just a piece of this world
We have a position and reason to be here
Although many people live to be cruel
Time from time we are touched by those insincere

I have my mission in this puzzle
You have yours just like everyone
The Sun brings us bright and warm light
And without you and it the world isn’t the same

So put your head up high and look everyone
They are part of this as ourselves
They have reasons, purposes and fears
We are equally the same cause...

Sunday, December 12, 2004

You, the World and my Questions?

You say that there is no life in the dark
You say that I am killing myself alone
You say that there is no time for nothing
You say that love is no longer a way

The World says that hate is the human mark
The World says that love is already gone
The World says that destiny is for a thing
The World says that you come to play

Love isn’t a way,
Hate is what has left
You aren’t anyway
The destiny of myself

Who are you anyway?
What I want for my life?
When I’ll get all too say?
Where in peace I must die?

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

You have nothing but accept me as you dark angel

I am just a little black dot in the dark night
Sometimes my tears were made by blood
Every night I fly away to found the sight
When I found it my tears were like flood

You use your words to captivate my soul
Fragileness I am your perfect victim
When I realize I am with your dark goal
I have nothing but accept my dark sin

I lay down to sleep and die
I wake up into another world
After three days I can fly
To live afraid of that sword

You use your words to captivate my soul
Fragileness I am your perfect victim
When I realize I am with your dark goal
I have nothing but accept my dark sin

Centuries have passed and I am still here
Flying away in the night seeking you
Like a fading memory you never there
Tasting, hunting fresh blood to reach you

I use my eyes to captivate your heart
Suddenly I become your perfect angel
t you realize I am your sore?
You have nothing but accept me as you dark angel


Friday, December 03, 2004

Coração glacial num sorriso facial

Luzes cintilam longe dos meus olhos míopes
Sedentas por tocar minha pele marcada e ferida
Os sentidos me traem dentro de idéias torpes
Ilusões que habitam uma poesia sem vida

Aprendi que a era glacial é passado
Mas como pode ser se meu coração
Sem pulsar ele é negro e gelado
Sentido paixão, sem viver a emoção

Palavras sem razões
Razões sem idéias
Idéias dentro de palavras
Emoções dentro das razões

Conflito, holocausto mental
Confinado na solidão glacial
Sem amor a mim tão essencial
Busco a paz num sorriso facial

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Sorrir na alma, chorar na saudade

Uma Paz celestial envolve-nos
Quando estou ao seu lado
Uma manta virtual enlaça-nos
Um néctar umedecido

Sonhar é uma dádiva da vida
Falar uma regra para os tolos
Chorar franqueza da queda

Amizade fruto desse néctar
Saudade espinho da relação
Brisa o carinho do ar
Lagrima seiva do coração

Pesadelo pedra do caminho
Aprender essência dos sábios
Sorrir alimento da alma


No Horizonte a Aurora da Vida

Continuo querendo a escuridão
mas sei que é uma fase sinistra
tem dias que estou assim no chão
é por que não ter alma neutra

Pessoalmente não enxergo no horizonte
A aurora da vida brotando no amanhecer
Encontro Paz nos braços do demônio da Noite
que me embala em seu encanto de entorpecer

A fumaça sobe e o maço esvazia
Companheiro inseparável e suicida
A louça se acumula sobra a pia
Espero o sono reparador da vida

Para quem eu escrevo?
O que eu quero?
Meu sonho sereno
No Horizonte do dia eterno
