Friday, December 31, 2004

Why don’t kiss and love me?

New beginning after all
To some is quite night
To others it is just dawn
Where will you go after all?

Doesn’t matter to anyone
Survival you have to be
To find a love from someone
And not to end like me

Loneliness, anguish and caress
You don’t care of my feelings?
Hate, fear and depress
For you will going to be

The night is so quite
I can see the fireworks
Lighting the black sky
My heart is full of odds

I have a question for you
You don’t have to answer
But maybe it change you

Monday, December 27, 2004

Feeling your wings learning to fly

Watching the road pass me by
Thinking of you, why not try?
Looking around, waiting the sky
Feeling my wings and learn to fly

The lighter is on fire and I am desperate
The smoke rises as my soul gets down
Higher I reach more I become a clown
Lower, blood from tear I can't separate

The road is as dark as The Sun of mine
Love is so thick; I could not feel
Dark Cloud is the reason for life to shine
And you the motivation to cry

Watching the life pass me by
Sinking with you, why not fly?
Seeking around, wondering the sky
Feeling your wings learning to fly

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

In the Shadow We Rule Our Empire

On the horizon I see blood tears
Coming from the dark sad eyes
I ask myself why those fears?
The answer's not here cause it flies.

Dark is the hour you came to my life
Weak I was cause I couldn't fight
Pull all my blood you pale my face
In no time I was the creature of the night

Since I've loved you my vampire
My strength comes from the dark power
Eagerly I wish to rule our empire
Living in the shadows among the others

Dark was the hour you took my life
Stronger I became so I could fight
Without my blood I fear no death
As the creature I hunt in the night


Sunday, December 19, 2004

Dark angels or Archangels

I am surrounding by lots of happy faces
They are joking about my condition
Waiting for my fall in my emotion
I can see their wings and the death necklace

Dark angels learning to fly
Eager to reach the lost souls
So they seek after the fools
Crossing the Red Blood Sky

Don’t be so desperate because we have
In our side all the mighty Archangels
They have the power to strike the devils

We are just puppets on their hands
At the end our soul is taken away
Either way flying thru the sky

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Doce eterno veneno

Um novo amanhecer, acordo às 23 horas
Onde estão todos ouço o mundo pulsar
Na varanda da minha vida eu a divagar
Sobre todas essa vidas soltas e sonoras

Lua negra nela; procuro a cor da sua dor
Pretos como meu coração gelado e ferido
Negro como o universo de amor sofrido
Vejo as chamas mas sem sentir o ardor

Abro minhas asas e voando pelo mundo
Encontro com outros iguais na solidão
Sem rumo , famintos e sofrendo em vão
Saciam a vida em masoquismo profundo

Nesta noite eterna meu doce veneno
A morte companheira da desilusão
Componho uma poesia na alusão
De encontrar o descanso eterno

Friday, December 17, 2004

...we live!

Sometimes we may feel insecure
Naturally depressed by such insanity
Remember that we are part of the infinity
So, our power and feeling came from this source

We aren’t just a piece of this world
We have a position and reason to be here
Although many people live to be cruel
Time from time we are touched by those insincere

I have my mission in this puzzle
You have yours just like everyone
The Sun brings us bright and warm light
And without you and it the world isn’t the same

So put your head up high and look everyone
They are part of this as ourselves
They have reasons, purposes and fears
We are equally the same cause...

Sunday, December 12, 2004

You, the World and my Questions?

You say that there is no life in the dark
You say that I am killing myself alone
You say that there is no time for nothing
You say that love is no longer a way

The World says that hate is the human mark
The World says that love is already gone
The World says that destiny is for a thing
The World says that you come to play

Love isn’t a way,
Hate is what has left
You aren’t anyway
The destiny of myself

Who are you anyway?
What I want for my life?
When I’ll get all too say?
Where in peace I must die?

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

You have nothing but accept me as you dark angel

I am just a little black dot in the dark night
Sometimes my tears were made by blood
Every night I fly away to found the sight
When I found it my tears were like flood

You use your words to captivate my soul
Fragileness I am your perfect victim
When I realize I am with your dark goal
I have nothing but accept my dark sin

I lay down to sleep and die
I wake up into another world
After three days I can fly
To live afraid of that sword

You use your words to captivate my soul
Fragileness I am your perfect victim
When I realize I am with your dark goal
I have nothing but accept my dark sin

Centuries have passed and I am still here
Flying away in the night seeking you
Like a fading memory you never there
Tasting, hunting fresh blood to reach you

I use my eyes to captivate your heart
Suddenly I become your perfect angel
t you realize I am your sore?
You have nothing but accept me as you dark angel


Friday, December 03, 2004

Coração glacial num sorriso facial

Luzes cintilam longe dos meus olhos míopes
Sedentas por tocar minha pele marcada e ferida
Os sentidos me traem dentro de idéias torpes
Ilusões que habitam uma poesia sem vida

Aprendi que a era glacial é passado
Mas como pode ser se meu coração
Sem pulsar ele é negro e gelado
Sentido paixão, sem viver a emoção

Palavras sem razões
Razões sem idéias
Idéias dentro de palavras
Emoções dentro das razões

Conflito, holocausto mental
Confinado na solidão glacial
Sem amor a mim tão essencial
Busco a paz num sorriso facial

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Sorrir na alma, chorar na saudade

Uma Paz celestial envolve-nos
Quando estou ao seu lado
Uma manta virtual enlaça-nos
Um néctar umedecido

Sonhar é uma dádiva da vida
Falar uma regra para os tolos
Chorar franqueza da queda

Amizade fruto desse néctar
Saudade espinho da relação
Brisa o carinho do ar
Lagrima seiva do coração

Pesadelo pedra do caminho
Aprender essência dos sábios
Sorrir alimento da alma


No Horizonte a Aurora da Vida

Continuo querendo a escuridão
mas sei que é uma fase sinistra
tem dias que estou assim no chão
é por que não ter alma neutra

Pessoalmente não enxergo no horizonte
A aurora da vida brotando no amanhecer
Encontro Paz nos braços do demônio da Noite
que me embala em seu encanto de entorpecer

A fumaça sobe e o maço esvazia
Companheiro inseparável e suicida
A louça se acumula sobra a pia
Espero o sono reparador da vida

Para quem eu escrevo?
O que eu quero?
Meu sonho sereno
No Horizonte do dia eterno


Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Love and Agony

At the gates of darkness I lost my soul
Since I’ve been loving desperate you
I am trying to reach the light in vain
But the world is so cruel in my pain

Feel alone
Living alone
Love alone
Dying alone

I am too weak to fly from here
Eternally your server so I obey
My love for you is truly sincere
Living at night, sleep at day

Feel in agony
Living in agony
Love in agony
Dying in agony

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Essa foto minha amiga Turinda me enviou muito maneira Posted by Hello

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Our Kingdom, our prison

Black is the color of my evil heart
Into the Night my eyes search
Flying with the Red Wings of desire
Seeking for life in a fresh blood
You are so naive and so innocent
Your blood is like opium to me
I want more. I want you eternally
My teeth inside your vein
You die to life forever by my side
We now are seeking for life
Red is the color of our eyes
Hungry we are for blood. You and I
You are so beautiful my love
Power is the our new life
Night is our kingdom
This kingdom is our prison
Seeking, hunting in the dark
Another innocent life to take
I love the fresh red blood

Monday, September 20, 2004

Lilandra crying my blood! After the kiss she gave me!!! Posted by Hello


Late at night, I am still awake
Wondering if she might come
I feel her presence, but it’s fake
Is my mind playing my game?

Pass the time and my hour goes deep
As my feelings aching inside my heart
I am crazy I have no doubt about that
Is the loneliness working, like dark art?

I want her, more than my life
I need her, more than my blood
I am giving her my soul to dry
I wish my immortal cold night

At last I feel her teeth in my vein
She’s so hunger that I feel no pain
After she kissed tenderly my mouth
Flying by her side going to the south

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

L argent est un cadeau - Poésie Noire

Apesar desta pagina ser para eu mostrar minha visão do mundo, não resisti em colocar a Letra dessa musica da Ghotic Band "Poésie Noire". Graças a Marcia, minha amiga, me fez voltar a quse 20 anos atrás quando eu frequentava a noite gótica em São Paulo e essa musica magica unia todos os Góticos em um único dançar.

Je ne suis pas un idiot.
Quelqu'un qui emploie des mots
pour protester, pour contester
mais seulement pour s'amuser

Et j'ai perdu mon âme
J'ai perdu ma fierté
J'ai perdu moi-même et toi
J'ai vendu tout et tous

L'argent est un cadeau empoisonné

Et je continue à vivre ma vie
sans repos et sans regret
sans émotion et sans scrupule
et je tire à tout et tous

L'argent est un cadeau empoisonné

Et je vois les gens courrir, ces pauvres idiots

L'argent est un cadeau empoisonné

English translation from the french:

I am not an idiot,
somebody that uses words
to protest to contest
but only to amuse myself

And I've lost my soul
I've lost my pride
I've lost myself and you
I've sold everything and everybody

Money is a poisoned gift

And I continue to live my life
without resting and without regrets
without emotions and without scruples
and I shoot on everything

Money is a poisoned gift

And I see people running, these poor idiots

Money is a poisoned gift
Traduçao do Inglês:

Eu sou um idiota,
Alguém que usa aspalavras
para protestar, para contestar
mas apenas para me satisfazer

E já perdi minha alma
Já perdi meu orgulho
Já me perdi e perdi você
Eu já vendi tudo e todos

Dinheiro é um presente envenenado

E eu continuo a viver
minha vida sem descanso
e sem arrependimento
sem emoção sem escrupulos
E eu atiro em tudo

Dinheiro é um presente envenenado

E eu velos as pessoas correndo, estes pobres idiotas

Dinheiro é um presente envenenado

Saturday, September 11, 2004

À noite

As horas se esvaem e eu a meditar
Sem pedir licença chega a noite
Embarco em seu mundo mágico
Tenho fome, mas não consigo me alimentar

Sinto que ela me toma de um jeito
Que não sei explicar seu feitiço

Na verdade noite tem uma influência
Fantástica em minha vida solitária
Podes achar que estou louco
Pois eu acho que sou louco

Sinto que ela me toma com seu feitiço
Que não sei explicar de qual jeito

Sinto-me forte
Sinto-me único
Sinto-me unido
Sinto-me seu filho

Sei que ela dá o seu jeito
Sem explicar-me o seu feitiço

Durante esse período noturno
Eu consigo voar alto e soturno
Período esse de uma eternidade
Onde a única dor é a saudade

My Sweet Love Angel

My next Tatoo My Sweet Love Angel Posted by Hello


Pelas esquinas virtuais eu te encontrei
Sua alegria contagiante eu busquei
Sem defesas em vão resguardar-me tentei
Mas, em um simples piscar te amei!

Palavras e textos desconexos em nosso mundo
Uma confluência de pensamentos difusos ao fundo
Ao final eu já estava totalmente confuso
E adaptei o meu dia ligado ao seu fuso

Quando juntos virtualmente perto te sinto
Ao fechar meus olhos tua boca eu toco
Na espinha um sentimento de calafrio
No toque molhado e sensual do seu lábio

O amor preenche o vazio da solidão
A saudade me da força e traz coragem
Alimento a um sentimento em expansão
Enfim uma paixão quente e selvagem

Friday, September 10, 2004

Black eyes of my Dark Angel

Black is the night and it’s mysterious
Black is the eyes of my Dark Angel
Angel who take me to a beautiful place
She’s flying in the wings of souls

A new magic world full of roses
From where comes your smell of love
And from the sharpener thorns
Came your scary defense glove

I am really taken by your eyes
I have no pain at you side
I feel no solitude in your sky
Without you I am pain and solitude

Angel my sweetheart darkangel
Darkangel my world in universe
Universe of magic and angel
Angel whose thick love is my verse

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Goth Fairy Blue Posted by Hello

Saturday, August 28, 2004

My Pain is to look at you

Look inside of your world and tell me
Why is so easy to you to hurt me
Keeping the distant won’t help us
Black and full of anger this heart of yours

Into my world full of tears from my eyes
I try to find a safe place from your eyes
But this is useless cause I want to see
And believe that you have changed

Time keep flying away
This pain aches hard and obscure
There is no way
For me to find the cure

So I live my life trying to forget you
Crying the tears of darkness
Giving to the night demons my soul
Hopes that I feel painless

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Masks everywhere

Who are you?
Nobody for me
Nobody for him
Nobody for everyone

We are just masks!
Masks that we put on
Using the best fit
For every occasion

Take a look and tell me
Which mask you are using
When we are alone?

The mask of truly yourself?
The mask of friendship?
Or you are using
The mask of convenience?

Take a look and tell me
Which mask you are using
When we are alone?

Somebody is fading away

Far away is my love
My life was fading away
When you rescued me
I am grateful for all my life

The one Angel you are the queen
The one who rules my passion
The one who brought light into my day
The one and only one owner of my heart

I other hand you are too far from me
This distance brings sadness into my heart
Sadness that is totally forgotten
When I am on the phone to you

Your voice is soft and tease my soul
You are my queen my beauty girl
You are my beginning you are my end
You are everything, my love.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Palavra faladas em grafite

Palavras expressadas em grafite
Sem verdadeira emoção, usadas ao léu
Como se fossem escritas a lápis
São facilmente apagadas e reeditadas

O que era branco em um segundo
Ao piscar de olhos roxo sempre foi
O que era amizade, sentimento profundo,
Não passa de um mero comprimento, um oi.

Palavras ditas com tinta permanente
São aquelas que tatuadas no coração
Perduram na memória eternamente

O que era azul em um segundo
Com o passar dos anos azul será
Espelhará unicamente o falar

Sunday, August 22, 2004


Por que anjo,
Um ser de luz
Pode ficar triste?

Pelo fato do mundo
Não estar preparado para recebê-lo
Ou interpretar os seus sentimentos

Por não ter chegado o tempo
De encontrar o Mundo
Que completará por inteiro

Esse anjo caminha por
Uma estrada difícil
E cheia de espinhos

Mas com a habilidade de transformar
Esses espinhos em pétalas
A estrada apesar de dolorida

Torna-se um caminho perfumado
Onde a dor das desilusões
É apenas uma lembrança distante
Paulinha esse texto fiz em sua homenagem te adoro.

People of this world

Sometimes it’s hard to believe in this world
I do believe that it’s all the way around
The things that I’ve been seen lately
The people that I’ve knowing fuzzily

Love, Fear, Hate and Tears
Fear, Love, Tears and Hate
Tears, Hate, Love and Fear
Hate, Tears, Fear and Love

People are all strange
First there are “ONE”
When we’re in a close range
They’re show the really one

Love, Fear, Hate and Tears
Fear, Love, Tears and Hate
Tears, Hate, Love and Fear
Hate, Tears, Fear and Love

Snakes everywhere in the shadow
Their poison is powerful
In the gates of sorrow
My pain destroys my soul

Love, Fear, Hate and Tears
Fear, Love, Tears and Hate
Tears, Hate, Love and Fear
Hate, Tears, Fear and Love

Monday, August 16, 2004

Night War

Night comes to bring back my world
Lonely I feel when it comes
My heart became a void
There I am the master

This black magic fulfill my life
Fighting the color of the rainbow
Destroying my believes
And leaving just tears of sorrow

Serpents and Crows fighting for souls
Souls that no longer has their owners
Lost into de void flying to the clouds

I try hard to save some of then
But my strength is no longer the same
Destroying some tooth and feathers
But they feel no pain

Every soul that falls hurt me
From my tears more angels came
To bring order to the chaos
In this eternal night war

Serpents and Crows fighting my soul
Soul that no longer has its power
Lost into de void flying to survive

Friday, August 13, 2004


Poucas pessoas sabem o significado da frase:
"Você é responsável pelo o que cativas!".
Sem o menor medo de cometer um ato falho.
Afirmo que você definiu o que ela significa

Com as suas ações para com todos!
Carisma impera em sua personalidade,
Altruísta por excelência, você é uma líder

Que vários seguem-na por prazer
Seu poder é tão imenso que na menção do seu nome
Todos tremem em sua base.
Um olhar que arrasa com exércitos

Faça é o seu lema!
Amada por todos a sua volta!
Bondosa e de coração faceiro!
Incrivelmente gigantesca em seu espirito de luz!

Monday, August 09, 2004

Demônios Noturnos

Madrugada a fora vejo luzes no horizonte
Acordado ao som do violão me transporto
A um novo lugar, um mundo mágico, meu lar
A sor da solidão me corroí
Meu pensamento me traí
Sem controle lágrimas caem
Demônios noturnos me consomem
Vejo sua Imagem ao canto
Um quadro desgastado pelo tempo
Como mágica vôo pelo sentimento
Triste e consternado sinto o vento
Com ele viajo entregue ao destino
Sonho com um novo mundo
Dor e angustia nunca mais
Intenso viver profundo

Deusa do meu Dia

Madrugada está acabando e eu não preguei os olhos
Nada disso importa pois existe a possibilidade de eu te ver
Você nem olha para mim, nem sabe que eu existo
Não percebe o bem que me faz apenas ver você de manhã
Bela e imponente você segue em sua viagem
Eu ao seu lado apenas a suspirar
De repente você fecha os olhos
Embarcando nos braços de Morpheu
As vezes chega a té a suspirar
Talvez sonhando com o seu amor
Eu do seu lado me sinto no paraíso
Apenas por poder estar ao seu lado
Fico com sua imagem o dia inteiro
Lembrando de sua pele de nenem
Dos seus cabelos de fio de ouro
Enfim da Deusa do meu dia.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

History of us

A tear drops from my eye
When I think about you
I can help myself
Cause my heart is your

You are the end
You are the beginning
I am totally yours
And for you I am nothing

In fact for you I am
A slave that is always there
When you need something

You use and abuse me
Without any remorse
You play with my feelings

And at my side of our history
I am happy when you are by my side
Even to you that it’s a game
Even I know your heart

I am happy when I do something
And in you eyes you are happy
At that moment you are mine
Love you

Churrasco Na Casa do Rollin

Meus amigos Rollin e Eric
Posted by Hello

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Vanessa “Nê”

Somebody, very special
But I even don’t know her
She’s like a shadow in
The morning sunlight

The warm light that wake you up
The hug you need when you’re down
Definitely she’s something and everyting

My heart was kept by you
You’re owned my love
And my pleasure is you

Even at distance call
Even like just a photograph
You are whole world

You are just You NÊ

One Morning a different path

A dead tree over the horizon
You lead the path for while
I followed you blinded foolishly
But one morning came
You striped your selfish mask
Then you told me that we must
have to split the way
And I didn’t understand why?
I figured that I lost the part that it was wrong
Or maybe was it something that I’ve done?
And probably if I have noticed before
Was It something that I could managed, changed?
On the contrary you said that I was in the wrong way!
For you our relationship was perfect;
That I was somebody who have my life on my hands
And that scared you somehow
And it was time for your selfish ego show
You prefer to be alone
So that way you just need you to carry about
And i just keep the following

You Know who

At first you showed yourself as a shy little person
But as the time goes by and a new era arrived
Lots of changes we had seem
Some of then as colleagues
And maybe as two complete strangers
But dear as the time we have been changing
Every second of our life is different
And suddenly we were working together
As part of a real team we grew better and better
And some of our co-workers have a little jealousy
Because we became so friend that nothing and nobody
Has the power to infiltrate their wishes to our history
Today I sure can call you friend
And I have no doubt that if might be a GOD
And if we might lived others life
I certain have to be a great man/something
Because HE gave me the most beautiful gift
That He could possibly had gave to anyone
This present as enormous pure diamante
Is your person as my truly friend
I thing you know what I am going to say next
But here it goes:
For you I go to the end of the universe
To find something that makes you
A happy person
Even so it’s just a glimpse or maybe
You realize that was not what you want
I don’t care I did the same way every time
That the PRESENT gives me the opportunity

Thank you for being my truly friend.

Ode to Someone

Sometimes I don’t know how my heart feel about you
You are so absent today, yesterday, tomorrow
My heart aches so dawn much
My heart beats faster when I thought about you
But at the same time my pain grows stronger
Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about it
You chose to take another path
And since you are gone you became
So strange that I cannot recognize you as my love
Always I am in doubt of my feelings
My head curse you
But my heart cry
Because I miss you
I miss you and I can’t call you
You don’t deserve me
And I don’t deserve to be without you

I am lonely

The world is so quiet;
Only the sound of
My thoughts break
That undesirable sound!

My world instead
Is full of motion
Like a full house
Of memories

The memories that
I eagerly try to escape
Memories that I´ve wished
To been buried in the past

Lonely, but I am rounded
By friends and my love
My convictions keeps fighting
My destiny!

I try a escape from all that
Try to find the way
On a cigarette smoke

It is no use
Cause at the end
I´ve just killed myself

My Tatoo 2 Posted by Hello

My Tatoo Posted by Hello

Myself Posted by Hello

A lua no dia do meu aniversário!! Ela lembra aquelas fotos de UFOS. Foto tirada do meu celular Sony Posted by Hello

This Life hold it's secrets

This life holds its secrets
Like a seashell holds the sea,
Soft and distant, calling
Like a fading memory.

This life has it victories
But its defeats tear so viciously
This life holds its secrets
Like the sea.